Sauna Safety - How Long Should You Stay in a Sauna and Why?

Having a sauna is a wonderful luxury that has many benefits, including health benefits. Saunas have long been known to help improve the circulation, detoxify the boy and decrease stress in regular users. However, just as you would with any other appliance or piece of equipment, you must be a responsible user of saunas to ensure you don't do any damage to yourself through excessive overuse or improper use. Read on for some important sauna tips.

Tip 1 - Make sure the sauna has proper safety equipment installed before using it.
If you are utilizing a sauna at a local health club or a friend's place, you should inspect it for safety equipment before actually using it. All saunas should be equipped with safety rails around the heating unit. These units get excessively hot, often reaching temperatures of over 500 degrees F and they can cause some serious burns if one were to accidentally fall onto one or have hot steam blown up on them. The rails help prevent this from happening and ensure safe use. One other important safety feature is proper ventilation. The sauna should have a fan system or a small vented opening in the ceiling to allow heat to escape and fresh air in for breathing. Without these features, the interior of the sauna can experience a buildup of carbon dioxide which can produce illness or even worse, death.


Tip 2 - Special health and safety concerns to think about.
Almost anyone can experience the healthy results of spending brief periods of time in a sauna. However there are some people who should limit their use of or not use saunas for obvious reasons. Pregnant women should not spend any time in a sauna at any stage of their pregnancy. Exposure to extreme heat can cause contractions to occur in all women and this can cause premature birth or miscarriage in pregnant women. High temperatures may also be the cause for fetal damage which may increase the chances of birth defects. People who are using prescription medications are best to consult with their physicians before using a sauna. This is especially true for anyone diagnosed with a circulatory or brain problem, such as hypertension, diabetes or epilepsy. The high temperatures in the sauna can increase the effects of the medication and cause extreme dizziness, heart palpitations, seizures or death in some cases.

Sauna Safety - How Long Should You Stay in a Sauna and Why?

Tip 3 - Time limits for sauna use.
A sauna can be very relaxing for anyone, especially to relieve sore muscles, joints and the back. Unfortunately, this experience needs to be limited to a safe amount of time. It's normally recommended that anyone using a sauna should limit his or her time to 15-20 minutes at a time. It's important that users of saunas remain hydrated as being in a sauna will produce a lot of sweating which drains the body of minerals and water. The rule of thumb when using a sauna is to trust your instincts. If you begin to feel overly tired, dizzy, and nauseous or just begin to feel odd, it's time to step out of the sauna back into fresh air and take a break from it.

By following the tips above, you will be able to enjoy the many benefits of sauna usage. Being safe means being a smart consumer and these tips will aid you in being a smart sauna user.

Sauna Safety - How Long Should You Stay in a Sauna and Why?

Provides the largest selection of saunas and sauna products available today. Committed to offering our customers the best service and the lowest prices guaranteed on all our custom saunas and steam rooms.

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Infrared Saunas

The traditional saunas of the past relied on maintaining very high temperatures by splashing water on hot stones. Today, modern saunas, better known as far infrared saunas, surround the user with far infrared heat panels. These panels are more effective at warming your core and can be plugged into any wall outlet at home. With less frequent trips to the doctor's office and only an additional .00 a month to your electric bill, infrared saunas have fast become a standard option when purchasing a new home or upgrading to your existing home. The health benefits and research are growing daily. Here are the top 10 benefits our research has found:


\"Sauna Weight Loss\"

Weight loss is one of the benefits of using an FIR (Far Infrared) sauna each day for only 20-40 minutes. Fat becomes water-soluble at a temperature of 100 F° before it begins to dissolve and enter the bloodstream to be removed from the body. In an FIR sauna, fat is removed through sweat. Many people who have unsuccessfully attempted weight loss through conventional dieting will be pleased with the fat-burning results of an FIR sauna. Often the inability to lose weight is associated with chemical toxicity. As these toxins are removed from the body while using the FIR sauna, weight loss naturally follows. FIR saunas are the ONLY natural, healthy way to burn calories without exercising.

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Infrared Saunas

Use of a FIR sauna has a cumulative effect on the body; that daily use magnifies its benefits. Your first experience in an FIR sauna will be a pleasant one. After several days and then weeks, detoxification, weight loss, immune building and other benefits will increase dramatically. One must experience this cumulative effect to understand it completely.

"Assuming one takes a 30 minute sauna, some interesting comparisons can be made. Two of the highest calorie output exercises are rowing and running marathons. Peak output on a rowing machine or during a marathon burns about 600 calories in 30 minutes. An infrared sauna may better this from "just slightly" up to 250 percent by burning 900 to 2400 calories in the same period of time. A single sauna session can simulate the consumption of energy equal to that expended in a 6-9 mile run." ~Aaron M. Flickstein


Far Infrared strengthens the Cardiovascular System by causing an increase in your heart rate, cardiac output, and diastolic blood pressure decrease. Many people who are bound to a wheel chair have benefited greatly by getting a cardiovascular workout without ever leaving their home. Blood flow during a sauna session is reported to rise from a normal 5-7 quarts a minute to as many as 13 quarts a minute. This beneficial "heart workout" leads to the desired cardiovascular training and conditioning effects.

Medical research confirms the use of a sauna provides cardiovascular conditioning as the body works to cool itself. This results in substantial increases in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate. Extensive research by NASA in the early 1980's led to the conclusion that far infrared stimulation would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flight.


Far Infrared is excellent for detoxing your body, internally and externally. Scientists in Japan report that in the FIR treatment of clogged capillary vessels, heat expands the capillaries and then initiates the start of a process to dissolve hidden toxins. Far Infrared thereby promotes elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood: Poisons, carcinogenic heavy metals - toxic substances from food processing - lactic acid, free fatty acids, and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue - excess sodium associated with hypertension - and uric acid which causes pain. Furthermore, if sebaceous glands are activated, accumulated cosmetics in pores can be eliminated through the skin (sweat and oil glands) rather than by the kidneys.

Since infrared heat is able to penetrate your inside your body up to two inches, you will sweat up to three times more than with the traditional saunas of the past.

The Result: These nasty toxins inside your body that make you feel sick, tired, and cause you to take on weight are eliminated. With an infrared sauna up to 300% more carcinogenic heavy metals, sodium, cholesterol, nicotine, and alcohol are eliminated than with a standard type sauna.


Far Infrared strengthens immunity by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus. This has been proven to increase the body's ability to fight off bacteria, colds, flues, and other ailments.

Another way Far Infrared Saunas have a positive effect on increasing your immunity is by creating an "Artificial Fever". Fever is a natural healing response of the body. The function of the immune system is increased naturally during a fever, while virus and bacterial growth is slowed, weakening its hold. This helps the body ward off invading organisms. A FIR heat treatment in the early stages of a cold or flu has been known to stop the disease before the symptoms occur. Many health practitioners use FIR as a method for removing immune killing toxins from the body.

"I just wanted to write you and give you an update on the sauna we purchased from you last Fall. You may remember I was experimenting chronic sinus infections for over 18 months. These infections were brought on by getting sick again and again. No matter how much Vitamin C I took, or Airborne I drank I just couldn't seem to shake the "common cold". The constant strain and stress on my body brought my immunity down to nothing and exposed me to almost everything out there. I have been using my Infrared Sauna for only six months, combined with a vegetable juicing daily. I would never have believed it if I hadn't experienced it. Christmas came and went, my kids have been sick, my husband has been sick and I HAVE NOT. I feel my energy coming back and I am no longer worried about catching germs on the shopping cart or the public restroom. It has been six months and no cold. I just wanted to thank you; I wish I would have found your sauna store before all of my doctor visits." God Bless - Heather Deevorse


A case study reported in Germany worked with a 72 year old woman who had a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis secondary to acute rheumatic fever. She had reached her toxic limit of gold injections and his Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) was still 126. After using an infrared sauna for less than 4 months, her ESR was down to 12.

A professional baseball player for the Yankees had to take himself out of the game after 2 innings due to arthritic pain. With a contract looming and the prospect of going from playing 2 innings to 0 his physical therapist put him on 60 minute a day infrared sauna sessions. Within 3 months he was able to complete 6 innings of pitching with minimal pain and without prescription drugs.


Cancer cannot survive in an environment of temperatures more than 42 degrees Celsius (107.6 degrees Fahrenheit). In addition to its detoxifying effects, far infrared heat actually helps kill cancer cells, increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduce the side-effects of conventional therapies. At the same time, it boosts the body's regenerative abilities and decreases pain by increasing circulation, which makes it beneficial in treating other condition such as arthritis, gout poor circulation. Neuralgia and abnormal nerve function.

In one cancer study by the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology that examined 5 year survival rates of patients with malignant melanoma, 28 percent of those who underwent only radiation survived five years. Of those who combined radiation and infrared sauna therapy treatment once a day, 46 percent survived. Neither group did any other holistic therapies.

Another trial at St. George Hospital in Bad Aibling, Germany involved late-stage ovarian cancer patients who had previously undergone chemotherapy. Using a combination of chemotherapy and hyperthermia, 69 percent experienced positive improvements and 15.5 percent went into remission.


Far Infrared heat expands capillaries which stimulates increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation. Increased blood flow has been proven to improve hair, skin, erectile dysfunction, aid in the healing of injuries, recovery of muscles and joint stiffness.

Introducing heat deep into your muscles produces an increased blood flow and temperature rise similar to the levels measured during brisk exercise. Temperature elevation also produces an increased blood flow and dilation directly in capillaries, arterioles, and venules, probably through direct action on their smooth muscles. The release of bradykinin, released as a consequence of sweat-gland activity, also produces increased blood flow and vasodilatation.


Far Infrared heat increases blood circulation throughout your skin which is mandatory for glowing, beautiful, and youthful skin. Make up and concealers are just that, they are hiding the facts. Infrared heat penetrates deep into those facts pushing out these toxins while rejuvenating your skin. To truly slow the aging process it essential to push these pollutants out of your pores instead of trapping them with lotions and make up. There is no better feeling than a healthy sweat in a sauna while drinking fresh water. It's like turning on the fire hose and flushing your whole body out.

Try this test the next time you take a sauna: Wash your face with your very best product you have before going into an infrared sauna. Make sure to bring a small white towel into the sauna with you, work up a good sweat and use this towel to wipe your face. You will be shocked at how much dirt you just wiped off your "clean face". This is because the infrared heat is penetrating deep under your skin pushing out the toxins which have made a home deep into your pores.

Another benefit to infrared sauna therapy is the break down of cellulite. Cellulite is a gel-like substance made up of water, fat and wastes trapped deep in pockets under your skin. Many Dermatologists are now recommending the use of infrared saunas with any anti-cellulite program as the profuse sweating helps clear the unwanted debris from your body.

Here is a list of the most common reported benefits of infrared sauna therapy for the skin:

  • Nettle rash
  • Clogged pores are unplugged of cosmetics creating a skin texture and tone of unexcelled quality.
  • Poor skin tone is restored to a more youthful level
  • Scars and pain from burns or wounds are decreased in severity and extent. Infrared therapy is used routinely in burn units throughout Asia
  • Lacerations heal quicker and with less pain and scarring
  • Acne: Three or four infrared treatments may open pores that have not been functioning in years, forcing out clogging cosmetics and loosening dead outer skin. The sauna is thus a boon to teenage skin, clearing acne and blackheads
  • Body odor: by improving the function of the skin, the infrared treatments may eliminate the cause of offensive body odor. It definitely reduces body odor induced by occupational exposure to odorous chemicals
  • Eczema and Psoriasis: reported to have responded extremely well to infrared treatments
  • Sunburn: according to the 9th edition of Clayton's Electrotherapy, "infrared is the only antidote to excessive ultraviolet radiation."
  • Keloids forms at a reduced rate in those prone to their formation with infrared treatments and may be softened by use of infrared systems if they have form.


Far infrared saunas have been proven to reduce pain sensation by getting heat deep into both the free-nerve endings in tissues as well as on the peripheral nerves. Pain is often associated with a lack of blood supply to the injured area due to tension or spasms. The introduction of heat deep into these areas helps to eliminate further spasms which in turn alleviate the pain.

Far Infrared promotes rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury). Furthermore, it increases growth of cells, DNA syntheses, and protein synthesis all necessary during tissue repair and regeneration.


Many home saunas now utilize Chromo therapy for added benefits. Chromo therapy, also called color therapy, is the use of color and light to gently bring about homeostasis. Color and light is applied to specific areas and accupoints on the body. Color and light have been used for healing since the beginning of recorded time. Ancient Egyptians built solarium-type rooms with colored panes of glass. The sun would shine through the glass and flood the patient with color. Some people use colored silk cloths which are placed on the body and then flooded with sunlight. Early color and light healers in the modern world used colored gels and sheets of glass to apply light to the body. Others used color infused water and color meditations to send healing rays to the person.

Today, there are many practitioners who use color and light in interesting ways. Some therapists have a box with a mechanism that flickers light into the eyes. They report success in speeding the recovery of stroke victims and those persons who experience chronic depression. All of our saunas come standard with the full spectrum of chromo therapy lighting

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Infrared Saunas

If you would like a FREE sauna purchasing checklist mailed to you as well as Aron Flicksteins report on Infrared Benefits, please email with you address and it will be mailed to you.It's a pleasure to bring you the latest information on the benefits of Sauna Therapy. As one of the top sauna distributors nationwide we would like to welcome you to the unlimited benefits of sauna therapy. Our goal is not only to bring you the best quality in home saunas, but to educate you on the benefits as well. Whichever sauna you choose, we wish you the best in your search for alternative healing. If you are considering purchasing a home sauna or have any questions regarding putting a sauna in your home, please call us at 1(800)327-5122 where an experienced sauna technician will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you are ready to purchase a sauna, please visit our store at []

Timothy Davids

CEO- Home Sauna Wholesalers



The Function of Sauna Suits

Sauna suits are used for weight loss and conditioning by professional athletes, amateur athletes and enthusiasts. Typically, these suits are made from rubberized vinyl, which is able to hold up (not tear) under the stress of active sports such as wrestling.

The use of sauna suits brings out misconceptions about losing weight. That is, to lose weight, your body needs to burn more food (calories) than you eat. And, when your body has no immediate food/source of energy to burn, it will start burning stored fat. Sauna suits help you lose weight by burning more fuel, not only by helping you sweat out lots of water. Sweating lots of water does help though, as it helps your body rid itself of toxins. Plus, the water you lose will be regained when you drink more water. However, the food and fat that were used to create the sweat will not go back into your body, so you'll lose weight!


Good sauna suits allow you to quickly begin sweating and sweat for longer periods of time. Like with saunas, it is critical to be careful in order not to become dehydrated. Remember your body is burning calories when you wear a sauna suit, so you can drink water to keep yourself hydrated.

The Function of Sauna Suits

In summary, a sauna suit is a good, and inexpensive, alternative to purchasing or using a traditional sauna. If used with care, it can be a great addition to anyone's workout routine.

The Function of Sauna Suits

Saunas Info provides detailed information about infrared, home, Finnish, and steam saunas, as well as sauna kits, heaters, suits, and benefits, plus advice on how to build a sauna. Saunas Info is the sister site of Hot Tubs Web.

How to Use Sauna Suits

At spas and health clubs across the nation, sauna suits are becoming all the rage. The increase in popularity has a lot to due with their ruggedness and their ability to help you shed a few pounds. But beware - if you choose to use a sauna sweat suit, you must know exactly what they do and how long you should use them for. There could be negative consequences if you misuse them.

First, let's talk about the benefits of sauna suits. As mentioned, they can help you lose some excess weight, and in a relatively short amount of time. There are also the benefits of sweating. Much like a steam room, a sauna exercise suit will make you sweat out toxins and free radicals that can attack things like your immune system. Of course, anything that can boost your immune system and get bad toxins out of your body is a good thing. The problem is that you should do this in moderation, and most people who use a sauna suit do not practice moderation.


When using a sauna suit is important to avoid dehydration. While sweating toxins is good, it also makes for a lot of water loss. You must also remember that this changes your body temperature. This is especially true if you are using a sauna exercise suit. When your body temperature goes up during exercise, the suit will not only prevent your body from cooling off, but it also increases the overall temperature. This can lead to heat stroke or other serious problems.

How to Use Sauna Suits

If you wish to use sauna suits for weight loss, you can lose a few pounds easily. However, be aware that most of the weight loss while using a sauna sweat suit is water. Water can easily be regained. It is safe to say that most of the weight lost will return to you unless you use them in addition to a healthy diet and exercise program.

To recap, sauna suits are a great way to increase body temperature, sweat off some water weight gain and to rid your body of toxins. All of these are highly beneficial and great ways to utilize the increasingly popular sauna exercise suits that are on the market. However, misuses or overuse can also lead to dehydration, heat stroke or other serious conditions that could require medical attention. But when used in moderation with a healthy lifestyle, they can be a wonderful addition to anyone's lifestyle- or maybe just your gym routine.

How to Use Sauna Suits

David Bloom is a health enthusiast and contributor to many fitness sites. He is the author of Home Sauna Suits, a blog dedicated to residential saunas and sauna equipment and accessories.

Weight Loss Benefit Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Use the benefit of jogging exercise to lose love handles

If you are anything like I was many years ago you might describe yourself as 'cuddly' or 'huggable'. Anything to disguise the fact that you're a little overweight and have a few rolls of unsightly fat around your middle. If this is you then you might want to learn the secret of how to get rid of love handles.

\"weight Loss\"

Sorry, there's no secret way to eliminate love handles but I can tell you about how I managed to lose my love handle fat. It didn't happen overnight and I did have to work at it but slowly the fat around my middle and other parts of my body started to melt away and I've managed to stay reasonably lean for many years now.

Weight Loss Benefit Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Nutrition and exercise is the key to losing love handles

I didn't know much about nutrition and exercise at the time and I still don't know that much but I did know that you need to do some exercise. Any exercise is better than none right? I also knew that the more calories you eat the more fat accumulates on your body. I've no idea why it all seems to go on around your middle first but it seems to be very common.

The first thing I did was cut down the size of my meals to reduce my calorie intake. This is very difficult to do if you have a low metabolism like I do because you don't have to eat much before you start putting on weight. This means that you probably don't eat much to start with. You can also make adjustments to the things you eat to help you lose fat. For more about nutrition see this article: Food To Help You Lose Weight.

The next step is to introduce some regular exercise. This will burn off some of the calories that you consume allowing you to at least eat something. When you decide what type of exercise you are going to do you should pick something that you'll enjoy doing and can see yourself doing regularly and consistently. That way you'll be able to keep it up for a long time to come.

Jogging to lose weight

I chose to start jogging. I wanted to lose body fat all over but I was most concerned about my love handles. I also knew that I would enjoy jogging in the park along the riverbank. Pleasant surroundings is a definite bonus and incentive to keep going as are the occasions when I happen to meet a girl jogging and swap weight loss notes.

Your weight loss from jogging

Exactly how many calories you'll burn by jogging depends on a number of factors. The heavier you are and the faster you run, the more calories you'll burn. A rule of thumb estimate suggests that jogging for weight loss will burn off roughly 10 calories per minute. You can use this estimate to work out how much jogging you are going to need to do.

The calorie burned jogging in 30-minutes 6 times a week will be roughly 1800 calories a week. Another rough rule of thumb suggests that 1 pound of body fat is equal to 3500 calories. At this rate you should lose about 1 pound of weight every 2 weeks, which is a very slow but healthy way to lose weight. This assumes of course that your weight was stable before you took up the exercise and that you don't eat more than you did before.

It was a slow process but over time it did show me how to get rid of love handles because they eventually disappeared. I still enjoy the jogging to this day and my love handles have never returned.

Weight Loss Benefit Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Free weight loss report and email course: Best Diet Supplement Or The Best Diet That Works at

Steve Gee

Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight Fast

If you are reading this article, you must be interested in losing weight and weight loss tips. If so, how fast do you want to see those pounds come off? While it is not advisable to seek out and/or utilize rapid weight loss techniques on a consistent basis, you should continue to read if you want to learn some quick weight loss tips you may want to consider on a short term basis.

One quick way to start your rapid weight loss is simply by reducing your food intake. When doing so, however, you may only see benefits for a couple of days. This commonly occurs as your body will slow down your metabolism to conserve fuel and energy, thus you may find yourself frustrated quickly if you try this approach for more than a few days. Worse yet, once you increase how much food you eat, you will most likely gain as much as you initially lost and, even worse, you may gain additional weight. And, it is very important to point out that starving one's self is not a healthy (nor maybe even a safe) approach to weight loss.

\"weight Loss\"

If you start by trying to take in less food, it is definitely possible to lose weight if you also look to reduce your sugar and fat intake as well as exercise. If you are able to minimize or eliminate how much junk food you eat, you will find that you may be able to quickly loss some weight. Since almost all junk foods are high in calories, such as candy, potato chips and the like, you may see a significant decrease in your caloric consumption by eliminating them from your diet. By reducing your caloric intake, you are more likely to lose weight.

Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight Fast

Another key component to fast weight loss is exercise. With exercise, it may take some time to notice any weight coming off your body. That's why it can be frustrating for so many people and why they fail in their many diet attempts. However, once the weight starts coming off, it can often happen quickly, especially with heavier people. For the most benefits from exercising, you should plan to do so at least three to four times per week.

And, for a balance approach to weight loss, you should take in less food and calories while, at the same time, increase your exercise regimen. By burning off calories through exercise, your body absorbs fewer calories, thus making it possible to lose weight. However, before starting any exercising program, you should consult with your doctor prior to doing so to make sure your body is able to sustain the rigors of exercise. Same holds true for any diet. You should discuss any major change in your diet with your physician prior to doing so in an effort to stave off any potential risk for harm to your body, including major organs.

Yet another method for quick weight loss is to cleanse your colon, sometimes called a colonic or colon cleanse. With this type of therapy, toxins and several pounds of waste are removed from your intestines (or colon). If you decide that you want to consider this therapy, you definitely want to discuss it with your physician and ask him or her, the benefits and risks of such procedure. Typically, you are required to eat a special diet and limit the types of food you eat. Your doctor should also provide you with the benefits of a liquid cleanse versus a cleanse in pill form.

Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight Fast

For additional information regarding weight loss and dieting, check out

While I'm not a health nut, I have become more attuned with my body, my weight and diet as I have grown older. Click here to learn more about weight loss and dieting solutions.

Adiphene Review - The Latest All-In-One Weight Loss Supplement 2013

If you're wondering where to buy Adiphene, this new and first all-in-one weight loss pill is sold in some States in the U.S as it's produced in FDA pharmaceutical labs, but otherwise you can only buy Adiphene online, but is shipped to most countries, including India and the Far East.

Why is Adiphene so powerful?

\"weight Loss\"

Adephine contains 12 different weight loss ingredients that specifically targets fat loss on 6 fronts:

Adiphene Review - The Latest All-In-One Weight Loss Supplement 2013

  1. It's a Fat Blocker
  2. It's a Fat Burner
  3. It's a Fat Binder
  4. It's a Carb Blocker
  5. It's an Appetite Suppressant
  6. Speeds up metabolism & increases energy

Adiphene Review

First and foremost, Adiphene is NOT your one page website celebrity weight loss pill, with dubious testimonials where you pay and then are sucked into an auto billing scheme which can be impossible to escape from.

FDA approved, if you buy Adiphene, you get an actual over-the-counter pharmaceutical weight loss supplement.

Manufactured and produced by RDK Global, the makers of Phen375, one of the most popular diet pills right now in the West, Adiphene's new 5-in-1 formula is set to rival Phen375's popularity this year.

How All 12 Adiphene Ingredients Work

5 Fat Stimulants

Simply put it will speed up your metabolism. Its 3 fat burning stimulants include Bitter Orange, Chromium Picolinate and Guaranna extract.

1. Bitter Orange:

The Commission E, a well regarded government health agency in Germany actually approves the use of bitter orange to suppress dyspepsia, appetite, and a number of other digestive ailments, and is argued to be the most effective thermogenic substitute for Ephedra, the weight loss pill in the U.S which is now banned due to its dangerous side effects.

2. Chromium picolinate:

Chromium picolinate stimulates your insulin levels. Why this is important is that insulin controls your body's fat and glucose metabolism, and it is widely thought that Chromium works to strengthen your insulin receptors sensitivity.

In the West, Chromium is barely found in foods, as the staple diet to many comes in the form of processed carbs, fats and proteins, so by adding a chromium supplement to your diet will help with increasing the natural chromium you absorb.

3. Guaranna extract:

The Guaranna bean which is found throughout South America contains one key metabolism booster - caffeine.

We all know what a strong cup of coffee does to us internally and to our senses, as it increases our metabolic rate, our physical and mental performance while also suppressing our appetite.

By instructing the release of the hormones from the adrenal glands such as epinephrine, dopamine and adrenaline, these force your body to burn more stored fat, and thus decreasing your appetite.

So guaranna extract works on 2 fronts - it speeds up your metabolism while reducing your craving for food.

4. Ginseng panax root extract 10%

Ginseng's 3 key main benefits are that it:

  • a. Speeds up your metabolism.
  • b. Moderates your carb levels, so useful for keeping steady blood sugar levels.
  • c. It helps inhibit the process which causes cells to store fat, therefore slowing down and restricting this bodily reaction to excessive carbs and fats.

5. Cacao extract:

Cacao extract also increases fat metabolism and inhibit cells to store fats as it contains theobromine.

Theobromine disrupts the activity of enzymes that are deployed through the digestive process to store excess carbs and fats, meaning not all will be absorbed and are then flushed out as waste.

2 Thermogenics

As you can see, if you were to buy Adiphene, you're already getting quite the complete weight loss supplement package.

6. Cayenne capsicum 40M HU/G:

Cayenne capsicum 40M HU/G is the highest grade of Cayenne capsicum formulated today.

Extracted from chilies, capsicum is both a fat burner and it helps assist the other ingredients in Adiphene to move throughout the body faster as it increases your blood flow.

Studies carried out on volunteers over the last 5 years have clearly demonstrated that when consumed, capsicum decreases the amount of ghrelin in the body which is responsible for creating the feeling of hunger, much like how green tea is used in a similar way.

7. Cinnamon extracts 4 %

Cinnamon extract 4 % has been shown to lower your foods glycemic effect. This is the effect in which your blood sugar levels rise sharply when you eat a high fat and/or a carb meal. By lowering blood sugar levels, less insulin is produced, which in turn means less glucose is stored in your fat tissue.

1 Cravings Curber

8. Glucomannan:

Derived from the Kanjac root, a study was carried out on Glucomannan in the U.S, where twenty obese people were prescribed a certain does of Glucomannan, with no special diet and over an 8 week period lost on average 5 and half pounds.

By just suppressing your appetite alone for such a short period, that's quite an impressive feat as a natural cravings curber goes.

Taking the supplement daily, it's its glutinous texture that when digested, swells up on the contact with water making you feel fuller.

1 Fat Binder

9. Chitosan

Chitosan in Adiphene simply binds to fats in your stomach, making them impossible to absorb, which you then pass out undigested.

So less fat absorbed means less fat stored, so you don't have to worry if you slip up and hit the fast food occasionally.

3 Fat Metabolizers

Essentially all 3 fat metabolizers used in Adiphene display the same natural qualities.

10. Ginger Root Extract:

Ginger root detoxifies the blood, speeds up metabolism and accelerates the rate at which you burn off excess calories and fats. It can also help reduce muscle pain by up to a quarter, which is why people on a diet who work out down the gym, assist their work out plan with this supplement.

11. L-carnitine HCL:

Also used in aerobic workouts, L-carnitine HCL boosting energy levels and burns those long-chained fatty acids in the process.

It increases mental clarity and focus, and in a study lasting 12 weeks consisting of 18 obese subjects, a healthy diet and an exercise plan was prescribed with some subjects being administered 2000mg's of carnitine a day, while the others went placebo.

Results demonstrated that the carnitine group lost on average 11lbs more than the placebo subjects.

12. Vitamin B6

Finally, Vitamin B6 helps increase the absorption of important compounds such as magnesium and zinc which are essential for creating pancreatic enzymes in the stomach, helping your body digest food more efficiently.

It's also a powerful energy and metabolism booster.

Adiphene Review - The Latest All-In-One Weight Loss Supplement 2013

Additionally, consider using some of the <b>latest weight loss supplements to really help you lose weight fast:


Best Weightloss Supplements to view the Top 7 Weight Loss Pills for 2013.

Sauna Belt Side Effects

You have to keep in mind that everything has side effects, some intentional and some from misuse of a product. There can be sauna belt side effects if used improperly. It is not supposed to be used for longer than 50 minutes per day. Using it longer can cause some burning of the skin or just skin irritation. You should feel that you are overdoing quite easily and remedy the situation without any problem by taking it off. If worn too long blisters could develop as they would from any hot object coming into contact with your skin for too long a time span.

The belt can have positive effects for your body if worn the appropriate amount of time. All those who have had physical therapy know that before the application of ice, the program usually begins with a heat wrap. Some have claimed, without positive proof, that the sauna belt side effects include damage to a woman's kidneys and reproductive organs. Also unproven has been the claim that men have had fertility issues because of the heating of the sperm, due to a high temperature in the groin area from the belt.


If you would like to use the sauna belt follow the directions for how long to use it and how it should be applied. Do not exceed any of the recommendations. They are made for your comfort and safety. If your skin is sensitive you might have side effects that others will not experience. Use it like everything else, with caution.

Sauna Belt Side Effects
Sauna Belt Side Effects

Just use a sauna belt correctly and you will not have to worry about sauna belt side effects.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

These treadmill weight loss tips are a great way to help you shed a few pounds and shape up. A treadmill is designed for the most natural form of exercise which is walking. You don't need any special skills to use these machines because if you can walk, you can exercise on a treadmill.

Treadmill weight loss is one of the most successful methods of losing weight. Just be consistent and work within your fat burning target range for 45 minutes or more per session at least 5 to 6 days per week.

\"weight Loss\"

If you are looking to shed unwanted pounds, implement a treadmill workout routine along with a sensible, healthy diet. The treadmill allows you the convenience of exercising in a safe, comfortable, climate controlled environment anytime day or night.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

If you are just starting out, check with your doctor before you begin any exercise regime. When you begin, start at a nice, easy pace, do shorter workouts for a few weeks and increase the length and intensity as your fitness level improves.

The main thing to keep in mind is to keep your body moving for as long and fast as you can but still remain comfortable. The faster the pace the more calories you will burn. The more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose.

Regular exercise on a treadmill will increase your body's metabolism and make it work more efficiently to burn more fat. The best treadmill workout plan is one that becomes a daily habit, just like brushing your teeth.

If you do a treadmill workout routine everyday you don't have to think about it, and it becomes a good habit. It soon becomes part of your normal day and you look forward to it. Consistency is the key to success.

Walking a treadmill to lose weight will consistently provide you with quality results and lasting benefits. It allows you to work at your own pace to burn calories effectively.

If you apply these treadmill weight loss tips they will have a positive impact on your weight loss as well as many other aspects of your life.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

This article is supplied by where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to:

Acai Berry Weight Loss - Do Acai Berries Help You Lose Weight?

I'm sure you've heard about this amazing fruit called the Acai Berry with "mystical" weight loss qualities that help you lose weight fast, the natural way. This article will look closely look into it's weight loss qualities.

The Acai berry is really a small, roundish berry that looks like a grape. The fruit is made up of a pulp like substance with a seed in the middle. It is also said to be one of the healthiest fruits that provide natural energy to the human body.

\"weight Loss\"

The main claim made by those who consume these berries is natural weight loss. This is accomplish this feat unlike other products and supplements that boast natural appetite suppressant qualities. Instead, the Acai berry boosts your bodies consumption of calories so that you end up burning more calories during normal physical activities. The end result is natural weight loss. All you have to do is follow a sensible diet and exercise plan and eating this fruit or supplements of it will kick in and burn those calories faster than you would otherwise be able to do.

Acai Berry Weight Loss - Do Acai Berries Help You Lose Weight?

An added benefit of the berry is the fact that it's effectives does not decrease even when preserved. So even berry preservatives will continue to be high in antioxidants that give your body a huge boost to lose weight. The antioxidant benefits of the Acai berry rivals another berry that you know well - the blueberry. Acai has all the right vitamin and mineral properties to have a positive effect on your health and overall well-being in general.

Here's a list of how Acai Berry can help your body.

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Helps fight off cancer and arthritis
  • Helps you sleep better
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Cleanses and detoxifies the body
  • Improves digestive function
  • Minimizes inflammation
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Has high levels of fiber
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin
  • Enhances visual acuity
  • ...and much much more

Acai berries have some very valuable weight loss and general wellness qualities that are quite remarkable indeed. But in order to get the full benefits of the berries or any Acai berry supplements, you must know how to mix it with your regular diet and excessive routine. Consuming Acai alone will not help that much and a proven system plus knowledge to help you manage your weight loss is crucial.

Acai Berry Weight Loss - Do Acai Berries Help You Lose Weight?

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Build Your Own Sauna - What You Need to Know First

It can be easier than you think to build your own sauna. With some basic carpentry skills and a little specialized understanding you can be relaxing in your own home sauna in no time at all.

There are a few important decisions to be made to be sure you end up with the sauna that best fits your situation. One consideration is how much work you want to put into the building of your sauna. There are prebuild units that are delivered to your door and literally take only a few minutes to set up. You can also get precut kits that take longer to construct but give you a more custom sauna when finished. The ultimate is to build your own sauna from scratch. Even this method is not as difficult as you might expect. The costs tend to go down considerably as you add more and more of your own elbow grease.


Another concern is the location. Should your sauna be inside or out, attached or freestanding? This may depend on whether you are in a rural or city environment. Locating near a water source is also important. If you are outside this can be a lake or pond to jump into. For indoor saunas a nearby shower can be used to rinse off. In either case before you start building think about getting water to your sauna. Along with a convenient way to rinse off it is nice to have an area to change into and out of sauna apparel. Benches for sitting on while removing clothes and hooks for hanging them are a great feature.

Build Your Own Sauna - What You Need to Know First

Deciding how you will heat your sauna is a major decision. Conventional saunas are heated with either wood, electric or gas heaters. Any of these can be used dry or wet depending on whether you sprinkle water on the heated rocks or not. Some people like it dry and some prefer wet, it comes down to personal tastes. Before deciding which kind of stove you want think about getting fuel to your heater. Wood may be difficult to acquire in the city but electric or gas hookups may be impractical in more remote areas. Costs can vary greatly depending on the brand and type of stove you get. A relatively new (compared to the 2000+ year history of saunas) type of sauna is the infrared sauna. These use infrared emitting lights to penetrate and heat your skin. It is a little like your microwave oven in that the food (you) is heated but the surrounding air is not. Infrared saunas are always dry. Because of the complexity of installing and correctly positioning the infrared wave emitters I suggest you buy a prebuilt model if you go with infrared.

There are a few special concerns that distinguish building a sauna from other conventional frame construction. Moisture is a concern. There should be a vapor barrier to keep the heat and steam from escaping. Any electrical connections need to be protected from excessive moisture. Ventilation is necessary to keep the oxygen level up and if done right it will also help to evenly distribute the heat.

All in all building a sauna is not an overwhelming task. If you can do some basic framing and simple finished woodworking you are well on your way to building your own sauna that can be enjoyed for years to come.

Build Your Own Sauna - What You Need to Know First

Mike Hirn has been a sauna enthusiast for many years and his website provides a wealth of information about building, using and enjoying home saunas. Visit

Sauna and Medical Issues - Can a Sauna Help Me Get Over the Flu?

Europeans have been using saunas for many generations. In fact, the sauna was invented in Europe - in Finland. They have been using them a lot longer than North Americans have, and they are much more familiar with the many uses of the sauna and what it can do for the body. Many North Americans think that a sauna is just good for losing a few calories or sweating out a few of the body's toxins, but the sauna has many more useful benefits for the body than just those two things.

Saunas have been known to cure arthritis pain, back pain, and basically any kind of chronic pain. They also can take away headaches and migraines and sinus pains. Perhaps the cure that saunas are most famous for is the cure for cold and flu symptoms.


It may be hard to believe that sitting in a small, hot room, sweating until you think you can no longer handle the heat will cure you of sneezing and coughing, but saunas have been proven to do it. Think about it: people almost never get sick from colds or flu in the summer, but almost everyone (in North America at least) comes down with at least one cold in the winter time. The reason for this is not because of the cold weather. In spite of what your mother has always told you, walking around in your bare feet on a cold floor will not make you "catch your death of cold"! There are only two reasons why we catch more colds in the winter. One is that we are in closer contact with each other in the cold weather, and germs just don't have as far to travel, and the number two reason is that we do not sweat very much in the winter.

Sauna and Medical Issues - Can a Sauna Help Me Get Over the Flu?

Cold and flu germs are still circulating in the summer, but with the hotter weather, our skin sweats out the germs (most of the time, anyway!) before we even realize that we had any germs inside of our bodies. Naturally then, when we go to the sauna and sweat, this has the same effect as it does when we sweat in the summer time. Also, when you are sitting inside of a hot sauna for twenty or thirty minutes, your body is sweating a lot more in a shorter period of time and this can and will maximize your results. Not everyone will have the same reaction to the heat of the sauna, and not every person will have success getting rid of their cold and flu symptoms by using a sauna, but the majority of the population will be able to relieve their bodies of these sicknesses.

One important thing to remember when visiting a public sauna when you are suffering from a cold or the flu, is to bring some sanitary items along with you. I'm sure that you do not want to pass on your sickness to someone else, so it is important to remember to disinfect the area of the sauna that you sat on before you leave.

Sauna and Medical Issues - Can a Sauna Help Me Get Over the Flu?

SAUNAFIN specializes in the factory direct sales of Saunas, Sauna Kits, Pre-Fab Saunas, Sauna Heaters, Infrared Saunas and Steambath Generators.

Sauna Suits

Sauna suits are mainly designed to reduce body weight. The use of sauna suits causes perspiration. They offer the same benefits as derived from heavy perspiration. Sauna suits burn more fuel thereby helping you to lose excess inches off. Losing massive amount of sweat help your body rid of toxins. However, there are no scientific or clinical data to prove that the use of sauna suits brings about weight loss.

Sauna suits can be worn while doing exercises or any other activities. Wrestlers and boxers also wear them during competitions. They wear sauna suits while doing push-ups, jumping jacks, sit-ups and ride bikes. Sauna suits made of heavy gauge vinyl are generally worn by professional athletes.


The expelled water can be regained by drinking more liquid. For this reason, it is not considered a permanent weight loss solution. While using sauna suits, you must be very careful to drink plenty of water. Otherwise you may suffer from dehydration.

Sauna Suits

Sauna suits also help you keep warm during cold seasons. You can wear them when you go for mountain climbing, skiing, hiking, or camping. It is better to carry a sauna suit as a precaution when driving along a highway in cold conditions. They trap body heat inside and circulate it to keep your muscles stay warm.

A huge selection of sauna suits is found in almost all salons and health clubs. Suits made of nylon and vinyl PVC are also available in the stores. Sauna suits are available for about .00. Most sauna suits come with long sleeve top and pant. Sauna suits with sleeveless top and shorts are also available. These are perfect for athletes who wish to have more freedom. Slimmer belts also make you sweat in order to trim your figure. They offer great back support. Slimmer belts with magnet are also available.

Sauna Suits

Sauna provides detailed information on Sauna, Infrared Saunas, Sauna Kits, Sauna Suits and more. Sauna is affiliated with Sauna Steam Rooms.

Tori Spelling Weight Loss - How Tori Lost 40 Pounds in 2 Months

Tori Spelling's weight loss has actually brought her into the spotlight as she has shed more pounds than normal. She now sports a bony profile and reveals stress as the main factor behind this. Her health got affected because of the stressful relationship with her estranged mother and also because of the liquid diet.

It has been witnessed that many people are resorting to liquid diets in order to shed extra pounds at a very steady pace. The main motive now is to gain svelte profile. Thus, unhealthy measures are also tested these days so that one can gain the envy of others just like Tori Spelling. Her weight loss has got her back into spotlight. In fact she lost around 40 pounds within 2 months by sticking to the liquid diets.

\"weight Loss\"

How Tori lost 40 pounds in 2 months?

Tori Spelling Weight Loss - How Tori Lost 40 Pounds in 2 Months

Tori actually consumed liquid diets for up to 10 days in order to lose extra pounds at a very steady pace. Such liquid diets can be consumed for up to 40 days as per your patience and perseverance. While one is following this program he or she is not allowed to take any type of food. Since they are very low calorie diet it is always advisable that one should try to take vegetables and fruits along with it.

Side Effects of Liquid Diet

* You might suffer from fatigue and dizziness
* Hair loss can be the direct side effect of this program
* Such a program might lead to heart damage and electrolyte imbalance
* You might also suffer from muscle pain and cold intolerance

It is however very well understood that liquid diets might lead to weight loss but what after that? The moment you return to your normal eating habits you once again start gaining weight. Thus, it is always advisable that one should opt for the natural methods. For instance, the acai berry diet can be consumed without any second thought. Check it out:

Acai Berry Diet: This diet even got publicity in the most touted Oprah Winfrey Talk Show. This diet is very rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibers which can easily enhance the metabolism rate of your body. This factor would further help you to shed extra pounds at an accelerated pace.

Tori Spelling Weight Loss - How Tori Lost 40 Pounds in 2 Months

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Infrared Sauna Use During Pregnancy Period

Saunas are known even from the high antiquity as establishments for carrying out many public health and treatment procedures. Many different types of saunas were developing through the centuries in many countries, but all of them were intended for one major purpose - purification and health improvement of the human body and its organs. Each of such saunas had its advantages and beneficial factors for the entire health system.

As now we're living in the modern world so we expect that sauna will bring some modern and advanced technologies for our own needs. And thus, here we have an infrared saunas developed by Japanese scientists to meet all our requirements to be able to perfect our health.
Well, the advantages infrared saunas provide women are enormous. They say that "Sauna steams, sauna heals, sauna will correct everything".


For many nations sauna was and still is the place where children were born and where old people died. The custom of ancient women to give birth in the sauna is still actual nowadays. An infrared sauna, especially your own infrared sauna, is a sterile room from the bacteriological point of view . Sauna has perfect conditions for giving birth in it: there are a lot of warm water, beneficial air temperature not only for birthing mother, but for the new born as well.

Infrared Sauna Use During Pregnancy Period

In case during the whole period of pregnancy the woman correctly followed all the rules of infrared sauna use, the act of delivery is happening significantly easier and in the matter of time the whole period is shorter. Pregnant women suffering from varicose veins of lower limbs, who have had infrared sauna session during pregnancy period, notice the reduction of this disorder, that is connected with the hypersthenia of the vascular system, and what also helps to reduce tendency to collapse. Birthing mother experience less pains that happens due to the increased elasticity of ligamentous apparatus, reduction of muscles strains, the beneficial influence of infrared sauna over the vegetative nervous system. Nursing women have increased lactation activity.

NotaBene!!! Be sure to consult with your gynecologist before using infrared sauna while pregnancy, in your particular case. Contra Indications: Avoid using any saunas and any procedures in case of abnormal pregnancy!

If you want to know more about "Pregnancy and Infrared sauna" visit the site "" here you can find detailed information about infrared saunas.

Infrared Sauna Use During Pregnancy Period

Alex works with Click to View the images and Infrared Sauna Pricelist! Order yourself a home infrared sauna!

What is the Best Exercise For Weight Loss?

It is a common misconception that aerobic exercise tones and firms muscles. Actually it accomplishes very little toning and firming. Resistance exercise (weight training) is where real toning and firming of muscles occurs.

Doing both aerobics and weight training is the optimal way to lose more fat and gain more muscle. If you are trying to lose weight, studies show that weight loss increases by 56 percent with aerobic and strength exercises combined.

\"weight Loss\"

Muscle may weigh more, but when you increase your muscle composition, the body is able to burn more fat, even when you are resting, because your metabolism is higher. A pound of muscle will use 350 to 500 calories per week to survive, while a pound of fat only needs about 14 calories per week. New studies have shown that building muscle helps your body fight disease better, too.

What is the Best Exercise For Weight Loss?

Strength training benefits everyone, no matter what age or sex, and is becoming recognized as an important component of fitness. Research is indicating that the muscle loss found in elderly people doesn't come from age, but lack of activity. Even a young person who doesn't get enough exercise can lose muscle mass and strength. Strength training, such as lifting weights or performing weight-resistance exercises, as little as twice a week can help maintain or increase muscle mass.

Strength training involving several sets of multiple repetitions using moderate weights will not result in huge muscles. Instead it builds bone mass and increases the metabolism, as well as toning and firming the muscles, giving a leaner look.

It is very important to do both aerobics and strength exercises. The aerobic exercises help your heart and lungs get stronger and help your body utilize oxygen more efficiently, which in turn helps with strength training and overall fitness. The strength exercise helps develop muscle, reduce body fat and maintain bone mass.

Aerobic Exercise is a type of exercise that elevates the heart rate and breathing for a continuous sustained period. This overloads the heart and lungs and causes them to work harder than at rest.

There are many options to choose from today. Bicycling, aerobic dance, swimming, walking, and stepping are all examples of aerobic exercise. Which ones to chose depends on your physical condition, your history, your interests and your goals. Many experts believe it is better to alternate between 2 or more types, to get a better workout.

There are two main types of aerobics- high impact and low impact. It is better to alternate between high impact aerobics (which are harder on the body and may cause more damage) and low impact aerobics, such as walking and swimming. This is called cross-training, and helps reduce the chance or injury and overuse of certain muscles.

You will want to perform aerobic exercises at least 20 minutes a day for at least 3 to 4 days a week. If you are trying to lose body fat, or your physical condition is very good, then you may want to work longer at it. Try exercising up to 40 to 60 minutes 5 to 6 days a week.

Remember there is no real need to go overboard. Moderate intensity is almost always better, and is more enjoyable. Low to moderate intensity is an especially good idea when starting out after a layoff or recovery from illness or injury, or if you are significantly overweight.

Warm-up and cool down is important to reduce discomfort and the chance of injury. Warm up by starting slow and gradually build up to your top speed. Then slow down again at the end of your workout.

The whole idea behind aerobic exercise is to get up and get moving! Find something you enjoy doing that keeps your heart rate elevated for a continuous time period and get moving to a healthier life.

What is the Best Exercise For Weight Loss?

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Dianne Ronnow is an expert online business & marketing coach in the Network Marketing industry. She teaches entrepreneurs how to use the internet & marketing systems to generate more leads and make more money... FAST!

By Dianne Ronnow © 2005-8 Mohave Publishing. All rights reserved. This article may be freely copied as long as it is not modified and this resource box accompanies the article, together with working hyperlinks.